Hello and welcome to all Holy Cross Families and Friends!
It is my sincerest pleasure to invite you to join me here at Holy Cross. Whether you currently are involved or just now discerning if perhaps Holy Cross is a fit for you and your family, I encourage you to reach out to me and discuss the benefits of a deeper involvement at HC.
Our mission here is to educate the whole child spiritually and academically, preparing them to be contributing members of the Christian Community. In my more than 35 years as a Catholic School educator, I have never seen a more committed staff pledged to carrying out such an important mission.
Our smaller classes are all taught by passionate teachers, dedicated to fostering a love of learning in each student. These professionals recognize the paramount importance of parental involvement to a child’s education and work diligently to partner with parents in their students success. We recognize that now, today more than ever, a strong parent and school partnership plays a vital role in children realizing who God has called them to be.
The opportunity for participation and cooperation between all grades in other activities helps build the social and confidence skills our students take with them as they enter other arenas outside of HC.
Most importantly, Holy Cross is a Catholic school. Our beliefs, our traditions, our mandates, our conduct and behaviors are all deeply rooted in The Catholic Faith. You can see this displayed everyday in the care students show one another and the love our staff exhibits to our student body. From daily prayers in the classroom to celebrating The Mass with our surrounding parishes throughout the school year we are committed to sharing Gods love in all we do.
Explore this website, ask your friends who may already be attending or come visit us for a personal tour of the campus and you will see what an extraordinary place Holy Cross Catholic School is and you will witness the difference a Catholic School education will make in your child’s life. Then I ask you to prayerfully consider joining us here at Holy Cross Catholic School in Webster.