The Board of Directors focuses on operations, ensuring that the school is faithful to its mission, vision and compliance with all state and federal statutes regarding school policies, operations, funds, and board procedures. It is comprised of the pastors of the three parishes and 6 other members dedicated to the school’s mission and the success of all our students.
The School Board Advisory Committee’s duties include advising the Principal in areas of policy on curriculum, technology, fundraising, tuition collection, budgets, communication, handbooks, and facilities.
Both the Board and Advisory Committee meet once a month. Meeting dates are included on the school calendar. Please contact a Board member if you would like to present an idea to the board.
Current members of the Board of Directors:
Danielle Simon - Parent (Most Holy Trinity)
Hayley Roche - Parent (Most Holy Trinity)
Katie Yearby (Chair) - Parent (Immaculate Conception)
Dan Kes (Vice-Chair) - Parish Member (Immaculate Conception)
Dan Huberty - Parish Member (St. Nicholas)
Gretchen Herrmann (Secretary) - Parent (St. Nicholas)
Permanent Board Members of the Board of Directors:
Cheryl Kapler, Principal
Rev. Nick VanDenBroeke, Canonical Administrator, Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, Lonsdale
Rev. Michael Rudolph, St. Nicholas Catholic Church, Elko New Market
Rev. John Lapensky, Most Holy Trinity Catholic Church, Veseli