Learning does not occur when students are struggling. Holy Cross provides two ways to assist our students with skills and positive growth of their minds and spirits.
Classroom Guidance Our school counselor teaches classroom guidance lessons to all students in each grade level throughout the school year. These lessons help students gain an awareness of self, others and the world around them. Classroom guidance lessons are designed to promote students' academic, social and emotional development.
Topics include, but are not limited to:
Understanding self and others
Conflict resolution
Stress management
Decision making
Peer relationships
Positive social skills
Violence prevention
Personal Guidance In addition to classroom guidance lessons, the school counselor also works with individual students to help them better express their concerns and problems, to better understand themselves and others, and to work toward positive educational, personal and social development. Parents or school staff can refer a student for special supports, or students can refer themselves. If someone other than a parent has referred a child for these services and continued counseling is needed, parents will be contacted for permission. The school counselor is available to meet with parents who have questions or concerns about their child.
Special Education
The special needs of students at Holy Cross Catholic School are addressed through the New Prague Public Schools, District #721.These needs may be in the areas of academic, behavior, health or motor skills.
We are pleased to provide students with the following state and federal assistance.
Title I provides assistance to meet the needs of children in the areas of math and reading.
Title I, Part A, provides supplemental educational services for students to ensure that they reach a minimum proficiency on challenging state academic achievement standards and state academic assessments
Title II, Part B, focuses on Teacher Quality and High Quality Professional Development that improves student achievement