Background Checks are mandatory and required rechecks are performed every 3 years.
Training Videos: Protecting God's Children, Suspected Abuse Reporting, Keeping the Promise Alive, etc. are completed online at intervals.
Code of Conduct documents are completed online.
Recertification of VIRTUS is required every 3 years. This is completed by logging into your Virtus account and viewing the training videos and renewing the required documents.
Archdiocese of St. Paul/Minneapolis: The Office of Ministerial Standards and Safe Environment (OMSSE) oversees the Office of Protection of Children and Youth (OPCY). The Director of OMSSE reports to the Archbishop. For more information on safe environment visit the Archdiocesan Safe Environment Website: Archdiocese’s Victim Assistance Program at 651-291-4514 or 651-291-4475 United States Council of Catholic Bishops: Charter for the Protection of Children and Youth The USCCB Charter is available for further reading on their website:
Contact the school office at 952-652-6100 or Adrian Fischer or Ashley Kes at [email protected]with questions regarding completing these requirements.